Buy kratom just about anywhere and it is clear to see that advertising kratom is difficult. Buy kratom online and you will find many adds for vendors but none on Google Adwords, only kratom information can be found imbedded in websites. Finding information on where to buy the best kratom online is not so easy to come by when regulation shuts review sites down just for giving honest opinions. If you like to eat dirt, most social media sites will leave you alone. But kratom, teach people how to buy kratom, where to buy kratom, what vendors have the best kratom to buy online and so on. Instagram, Youtube, and many mainstream social media sites have made it hard to spread information on the many ways to buy kratom near me, or you come to think of it.
Ok so let me tell you about my adventures on tiktok with kratom and how in just a few months they shut down the #kratom hashtag. As you may know if you are a customer of Soulful Herbals and buy kratom from us, our social media accounts have continually been shut down. In fact it must be hard for you to follow anyone talking about kratom, recovery or anything that fights against big pharma petroleum chemical madness, is immediately censored. If you followed me for my attempts over the years at kratom education have often been thwarted. I am left to talk about other herbs and hope people will either call in or do their research elsewhere and trust us for quality. That’s where we really shine. All our kratom powder is lab tested and gamma processed for contaminants. Lab testing, so what? I mean everyone should be lab testing it just shows how potent your product is. It is the gamma processing that ensures our kratom powder is clean and free of any contaminants like mold or salmonella.

One of my favorite recipes that I showed on tiktok to disguise the taste of strong herbal powders uses banana and sunflower butter to disguise the taste and hide the grit of the powder. I will be doing a series where I highlight recipes that can disguise the taste of strong herbs and extracts. Moringa powder, Barley Grass powder, Spirulina powder and other green powders that I rely on for health taste terrible and require smart concoctions to disguise their tastes.
Among my favorite recipes I employ when serving potent herbal extracts is my pink moon recipe. This is where I use raspberry sparkling water, guava juice and aloe juice in a cocktail with 5 ml of a favorite extract to create euphoric and healing concoctions that I serve at events. One such event was a full moon gathering and sound healing at the Banyan House in Dania Beach Florida, near to Fort Lauderdale and Miami.
Buy kratom Near Me
Buy kratom and kava in the Fort Lauderdale area and you will immediately be faced with a question. Why are their so many kava bars in the South Florida area? How have these kava bars become the epicenter where people buy kratom teas and kava cocktails? The answer lies in the fact that kratom and kava are used in recovery and South Florida’s Broward county specifically, houses a large recovery community.

Buy Kratom Online
When you buy lab tested kratom online from Soulful Herbals, you will usually get a quality far superior than that of the local head shops serving kratom and usually better than the kava bars as well. While Soulful Herbals is proud to supply a few elite kava bars in the South Florida area, the only way to ensure that you are getting the best lab tested kratom that is gamma processed to be free of contaminants, you need to buy kratom online from Soulful Herbals. Soulful Herbals online tiktok account @plantmedicinemafias has been providing education and knowledge including how to buy kratom online from a trusted vendor and how to buy quality kratom at wholesale prices. Plant Medicine Mafia has given away thousands of kratom samples online and this has resulted in a landslide of support for the kratom industry as a whole as it has brought attention for how kratom can help people to help themselves get free or the grip of big pharma and the petroleum based products that has a death grip on the USA.